In this series which will probably be about 10 parts I am going to talk about vaccines. There is much to know about development of a vaccine and I am going to try to break it down. As in my other posts you have to read these in sequence to get the most out of it.
Here is the description of all the sections and every day you will be introduced to one section.
Part 1 – Approaches (Platforms) for development of a COVID-19 vaccine
Will discuss the different types of vaccines, benefits and challenges
Part 2 – The phases of vaccine trials
Will discuss the three phases of vaccine development and the rationale for them
Part 3 – The current players in the vaccine development landscape
Will discuss the companies and their support systems
Part 4 – The Oxford Group and Astrazeneca (UK)
Will discuss the type of vaccine, the animal studies and human trials
Part 5- NIH group and Moderna (USA)
Will discuss the type of vaccine, the animal studies and human trials
Part 6 – Sinovac (CHINA)
Will discuss the type of vaccine, the animal studies and human trials
Part 7 – Ethical considerations (challenge studies)
Will discuss the framework for challenge studies in healthy volunteers, the
benefits and risks
Part 8 – My own reflections on this topic
Stay tuned and share as you wish
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